On May 10, the school’s Gables Players club held their final meeting of the year in the little theater. Alongside the new theatrical additions to Gables Players’ annual schedule, this final meeting...
Gables Shorts is one of the theater traditions annually held at Coral Gables Senior High. It is an immersive experience of plays that help develop the significance of theater to students. This year, it...
On Tuesday January 28, 2014, the CGHS Troupe will be presenting the show Aliens vs. Cheerleaders. This comedic one act tells a story about alien invaders who come to invade earth, but encounter resistance...
On December 3, 2013 at 6 PM, the Coral Gables thespians performed at the annual Individual Event's (IE) showcase. I.E. is a regional competition that consists of individual events that actors can compete...
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