At Coral Gables Senior High, Cavaliers with an aptitude for the scientific and mathematical fields can expand their horizons and grow their passion by joining the Science, Engineering, Communication, Mathematics...
Although Coral Gables Senior High hosts over 30 different clubs ranging from Wizard’s Club to National Honors Society, there is always room for students to spark original ideas and create a group of...
While the hustle and bustle of students and teachers is usually the center of attention at Coral Gables Senior High, there are plenty of people behind the scenes that help the school grow and thrive. Among...
“Be Smart, Be Healthy, Be HIP!” As freshmen, we all hear this chant during the Health Information Project presentations in our History classes. The Peer Health Educators consist of upperclassmen, with...
The Cavaleon is Coral Gables Senior High's award-winning yearbook production team. Applications to join the staff next school year are now open! Students of all grades, including incoming freshmen, are...
The Climate Leadership Information Program is a new after-school initiative that has been put in place at a few schools in Miami-Dade. Freshman Gabriela McGrath Moreira has aided in the process of instituting...
Since Monday, Feb. 8, candidates running for both student body and class positions have spread their campaign flyers all over social media. This year, while there is not as many people competing for their...
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