At the crack of dawn, the Academy of Finance board faces the task of quenching the thirst of Coral Gables Senior High's student body within first and second block. Preparing sultry drinks, the AOF board...
One of Coral Gables Senior High's esteemed magnet programs, the Academy of Finance provides students with a strong foundation in business skills for use in their future careers. Behind the scenes of AOF,...
As they enter their senior year and step closer to their professional debut, the Academy of Finance's class of 2024 has returned to Coral Gables Senior High with newfound knowledge from their summer...
Every year, the Academy of Finance at Coral Gables Senior High hosts a celebration in honor of its National Academy Foundation Track Certified seniors. To obtain a NAF Track Certification, seniors must...
The Academy of Finance continued its longstanding tradition of hosting Academy Day, inviting all AOF students to this exciting event. On Mar. 17, the day began with an informative session with representatives...
From law firms to marine biology institutes, the Academy of Finance seniors return from their summer break with knowledge and a hand-on experience in nearly every career field imaginable. Considering that...
For many, the idea of learning their way around a new school can seem daunting. To prevent nervous jitters and nail bites, the Academy of Finance annually hosts Freshman Camp. From June 13 to June 14,...
Bringing the classic Monopoly game to life, the National Academy of Finance hosted its annual Mad City Money event. In this simulation, NAF aims to give freshmen and sophomores a taste of life post-high...
In recent years, Coral Gables Senior High’s Academy of Finance has gained much acclaim for its vast social media presence and multitude of events in conjunction with local and national businesses. Although...
As summer rolled in, incoming students to the Academy of Finance (AOF) program were invited to attend a three-day informational interactive camp, which was held at Coral Gables Sr. High. For those entering...
Magnet programs are programs that offer a specialized curriculum that includes a focus on a particular subject or subjects, usually requiring a special application and acceptance by a lottery system. Magnet...
Support the Academy of Finance (AOF) and eat a delicious meal on McTeacher Night at McDonald's! Stop by the McDonald's on 3280 Coral Way on Feb. 24 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
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