A recent rising star, 17 year old Olivia Rodrigo is shattering the precedents of the music industry. With experience in the Disney television franchise, Rodrigo has previously gained the recognition for...
Tanya Roberts, known for playing famous roles as a Bond girl in "A View to a Kill" and Midge Pinciotti on "That '70s Show," passed away at the age of 65 due to a urinary tract infection. She died at her...
Ana Wolfermann, an International Baccalaureate (IB) sophomore at Gables, is formerly known as the Class of 2019's secretary. However, outside of Gables's perimeter, she is known for being on the big screen....
Actress Troian Bellisario gave one stranger the weekend of his life. The Pretty Little Liars actress left her bag at Griffith Park in Los Angeles with her phone and all her belongings. Come Jack Wagner,...
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