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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Somalian children face the daily threat of starvation.

Famine in Somalia

Alexander Yagoda, Staff Writer Mar 26, 2017

Somalia has officially been in a drought since 2011. Somalia has also been in a civil war since 2009. To add to that, it is recognized by the CIA as the poorest nation in the world, with an average income...

Fred Swaniker aims to reinvent Africa through education.

Fred Swaniker’s ‘Harvard of Africa’

Natalia Torres, Staff Writer Sep 14, 2016

Fred Swaniker, 18 years old, wishes to revolutionize Africa with the most powerful tool known to mankind: education. He became headmaster at a school in Botswana opened by his mom. Since then, he has...

This picture clearly shows the intent of the company.

Walk Yourself for Money?

Nicolas Schmidt, Staff Writer Dec 16, 2015

If you are looking for an easy way to make money, it does not get any better than this. A new crypto-currency has been developed by Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi that gives users money for walking around....

Turkey shoots down plane, François Hollande and Obama meet, FSU controversy, Colorado shooting and more this recap.

Recap: November 23 – 29

Sophie Feinberg, Editor Nov 29, 2015

International Affairs Turkey shoots down Russian warplane on Syria border "Turkish warplanes have shot down a Russian military aircraft on the border with Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin...

Masangu transferred to Gables form the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The New Cavalier Coming Straight From the Congo: Jane Masangu

Bhargavi Pochi, Copy Editor Oct 19, 2015

Coming from a completely different part of the world is tough, but junior Jane Masangu knows exactly what it feels like to live in a foreign country. Masangu moved from the Democratic Republic of the...

Kenyan authorities help students and citizens out of the University during the shooting.

Kenya School Shooting

Robert DeDonatis, Staff Writer Apr 14, 2015

On Thursday, April 2, a tragic shooting took place in eastern Kenya's Garissa University College. This tragic shooting killed 148 of the University's students and four of the gunmen in the attack. "I...

Alongside her daughter, Dr. Scanlon worked with Senegalese children and experienced the nation's culture from all points of view.

At Peace in Africa

Sophie Feinberg, Staff Writer Jan 27, 2014

Over winter break, Dr. Scanlon had the opportunity to travel to Senegal, a country on the west coast of Africa between Mauritania and Guinea-Bissau. She went to visit the nation because her daughter took...

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