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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Senior Picnic Form Is Live!

Jan 6, 2022

The Senior Picnic will take place on Friday, March 11th. However, the senior picnic will be different this year in comparison to years past. This year, you will select a team of ten (must be a mix of boys...

Alumnos en Gables hacen uso de agendas y bullet journals para organizarse y cumpli con sus fechas de entrega.

Año Nuevo: una oportunidad para organizarse

Jimena Romero, Staff Writer Jan 11, 2019

Al terminar la cuenta regresiva que marca el inicio de un nuevo año, todos comienzan a pensar en sus propósitos para el 2019 que les espera. Con el sentimiento de querer reinventarse, adquirir mejores...

Some of the most influential political characters in movies, including Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman in "All the President's Men."

Activism or Propaganda?

Patrick Ales, Staff Writer Oct 8, 2018

There is no aspect of society that is immune to political agendas, especially when it comes to artistic expression. The film industry has long been influenced by politics, whether it be as subtle as a...

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