Dedicated to tennis, junior Warren Miller has come a long way. Being a starter on the Coral Gables High School boys tennis team, his preparations revolve around his training, diet and schedule in order...
Living and breathing the number one sport in America, senior Andreus Rios is the starting quarterback for Coral Gables Senior High's football team. As Rios stays poised in the pocket, he prepares to conclude...
Born and raised in Miami, Fla., freshman Adelaide Schoeni is ironically accustomed to frigid temperatures more than most. While teenagers are easily attracted to sports like basketball and football, Schoeni...
Locked in for his second consecutive season on the mat, junior Diego Imbert strives to lead Cavalier wrestling to a state appearance this school year. Imbert was selected to be co-captain after years of...
Steering her focus toward high school life, freshman Corina McDanal understands her role as a setter for the Coral Gables Senior High girls volleyball team. Desiring a second home, McDanal strives to make...
Dodging tackles left and right, senior Lucas Paez is taking charge of his final season with the Cavalier football team.
The starting running back for the varsity crew, football has been a centerpiece...
Juggling two sports while managing an extensive 8-class workload can be a demanding daily routine. For freshman Santiago Gonzalez though, this schedule is nothing new. Gonzalez has skillfully managed to...
Some might find it more difficult to find their true passion, talent or simply a sport they feel a connection to, but Eilis Venereo, a freshman in the International Baccalaureate program, has found true...
When it comes to the Coral Gables Cavaliers, they never cease to surprise people with their special talents and personalities. Fellow Cavalier Marco Lund-Hansen is a junior with exceptional talent in the...
Athletes competing during the fall sports season have made grand impressions on their playing fields, and many of the Cavalier sports teams have already competed in several competitions this season, displaying...
For generations, the struggle for gender equality has proved to be an eternal battle facing women around the world. Recently, this struggle has manifested itself in nearly all aspects of society as trailblazing...
Following in his brothers' footsteps, Mauricio Sosadias joined water polo in his freshman year to come out of his comfort zone and have the chance to create everlasting friendships. Sosadillas has since...
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