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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Los estudiantes de Gables demuestras su espiritu escolar en un juego de fútbol.

Próximo “Pep Rally”: Gables contra Columbus

Monica De Varona, Staff Writer Sep 10, 2014

El próximo "Pep Rally" se llevará a cabo este viernes 12 de septiembre en el auditorio de la escuela. Este evento estará basado en demostrar el espíritu deportivo de los cavaliers. Para conseguir...

The Fair! Be there!

The Fair! Be There!

Karla Santoyo, Copy & Opinion Editor Apr 4, 2014

Rate:B- Turkey legs, cotton candy, and carnival games all leading up to that huge teddy bear you are forced to drag once you win -oh and let's not forget the clowns- become a part of the fair. An amusement...

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