The soccer team showcased their strength with a decisive 5-1 win over Felix Varela Senior High School on Dec. 5. This victory solidified their record of four wins and two losses, demonstrating the Cavaliers'...
Entering Jan. 16, the Coral Gables Senior High boys soccer team was ready to face their opponent in the Hialeah Gardens Gladiators. However, that was not everything they had in mind. Featuring the last...
Coral Gables Senior High's boys soccer team torched their rival Miami High School in an overwhelming 4 to 1 victory. Through a gritty game, Gables emerged victorious, pushing their winning record to 4...
Getting past "the hump" means taking a pivotal next step to greatness. The Coral Gables Senior High boys soccer team silenced their doubters, with a 6 to 2 triumph over Palmetto High. Gables entered its...
The 2022-2023 winter sports season has consumed Coral Gables Senior High with three rivalry games taking place within the span of a week. Cavaliers all-around intended to uphold their alma mater through...
With the temperatures heating up, the Cavalier athletes refuse to slow down. Winter sports seasons are officially over, and it is not difficult to see the growth of various athletes across the sports...
As the winter season is finally starting to melt away and the bright colors of the spring sports are coming to replace it, there were some amazing accomplishments made by the winter athletes during the...
The Cavalier Soccer team is starting off their season on a strong wave of victories. After months of conditioning and hard work during the preseason, the boys' soccer team has won their first six games...
After a magnificent fall sports season, the winter sports only bring so much more anticipation and excitement to the Cavalier community. With the upcoming sports season, student-athletes are able to showcase...
It is that time of year again. All of the soccer fanatics are getting ready for an incredible 2019-2020 Cavalier Soccer season. The boys' soccer team has recently started preseason conditioning for those...