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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Sierra Burgess is a Loser playing on Netflix.

“Sierra Burgess is a Loser” – Hit or Miss?

Guiliana Garces, Staff Writer Sep 25, 2018

Release Date: Sept. 7, 2018 Director: Ian Samuels Starring: Shannon Purser (Sierra), Noah Centineo (Jamey), Kristine Froseth (Veronica), RJ Cyler (Dan) MPAA Rating: PG-13 Our Rating: B The...

Stop the hate, instead spread kindness.

Could They Have Done More?

Jesse Zambrano, Staff Writer Dec 11, 2017

 As 2017 comes to an end, news of a 13-year-old girl committing suicide due to bullying made headlines. Rosalie Avila of Yucaipa, California was found faintly breathing by her parents on Nov. 28. She...

Being there for a friend in need can help improve their mental state of being.

Suicide Awareness Month

Bhargavi Pochi, Staff Writer Sep 25, 2014

Weeks ago, one of the most beloved actors in Hollywood, Robin Williams committed suicide. This left the world in complete shock. How could such a comedic, joyful man be in such a dark place? After Williams'...

Break the Silence!

Camilo Bacca, Staff Writer Apr 10, 2014

On April 11, 2014, the CGHS GSA will be organizing a Day of Silence, a national day for raising awareness of anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying, and harassment in all schools.  Students can take a vow...

The drawing Burke drew, which won him the competition.

“Retard,” the Unknowingly Hurtful Word

Jose Balcazar, Staff Writer Feb 25, 2014

Every day many students refer to one another as "retard" due to an action that that someone commits that one might consider ludicrous or foolish. One of the major common forms of the use of word occurs...

Where you can find Gables Gossip Girl on Twitter

Gables Gossip Girl

Allyssa Dobkins, Staff Writer Jan 14, 2014

Have Blair Waldorf and Serena Van Der Woodsen brought their Upper East side flair to Gables High? With the recent creation of a Twitter account by one of our very own Gables student, it is safe to say...

Coral Gables' Ally Week Aims to Raise Awareness for LGTB Bullying

Coral Gables’ Ally Week Aims to Raise Awareness for LGTB Bullying

Camilo Bacca, Staff Writer Oct 28, 2013

Last week CGHS celebrated Ally Week, an event aimed at raising awareness towards anti-LGBT language, bullying and harassment.  As part of there event, the school's GSA club gave students the opportunity...

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