“Cavaliers with Character” is an award administered by Coral Gables Senior High to the high-achieving students for possessing unique qualities that make them stand out among the rest of the incredible...
Every month, Coral Gables Senior High recognizes four students from each grade level for their outstanding and exemplary attitude, allowing them to stand out from the rest of the student body. However,...
Risk-takers can be defined as individuals constantly seeking new opportunities and creating new goals for themselves as students. The students below have been singled out as risk-takers not just in their...
Open-minded individuals who are able to acknowledge different perspectives while staying true to their own opinions are crucial to such a diverse city like Miami. This month’s Catching a Cav with Character...
An inquirer can be described as someone who possesses the enthusiasm to learn and grow throughout their educational, professional and personal life. The ambition to improve and develop investigative...
Those who embody the inquirer characteristic have a natural curiosity for the world around them. As involved students, they seek to expand their knowledge through inquiry and research. For the month of...
Caring, for some, is an instinct that may come naturally, implemented in one's routine with ease. This can undoubtedly be said for the four students chosen to be this month's Catch a Cav with Character....
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