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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


TikTok is known to begin trends where users are able to join in and keep up to date with everyday. These trends have been able to entertain  its users with these trends all throughout quarantine.

TikTok Trends: Updated

Nataly Leiva, Staff Writer May 10, 2020

As most of us are stuck at home finding a way to entertain ourselves, TikTok users have been participating in the most recent trends going around. Those who are used to this app know how these trends tend...

Chloe Ting's YouTube channel currently stands at 6.05 million subscribers, and counting due to her recent rising popularity.

The Next Best Ting: Workouts That Challenge Everyone

Ingrid Moises, Staff Writer May 1, 2020

YouTube Channel: Chloe Ting Our Rating: A+  Staying at home all day due to quarantine has challenged everyone's mental and physical health. With the struggles of virtual school and work, people...

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