Cavalier Chorus kicked off their Spring Break by traveling to New York City, performing at the prestigious Carnegie Hall upon invitation by WorldStrides Heritage Performance programs. Students from three...
On Nov. 13, hundreds of people gathered at Merrick Park to celebrate the start of the holiday season at the annual Tree Lighting. Families had the opportunity to meet the jolly man Santa Claus, after...
Hey fellow Cavaliers, let's help our Chorus get to Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Trolley over to CHIPOTLE at 2235 SW 37th Avenue after early dismissal on Thursday, October 9, 2014.
A percentage...
Mrs. Mary G. Morrow has been a teacher at Coral Gables Senior High for seven years. Mr. Muncy, who had originally been in charge of band, resigned after the 2013-2014 school year ended, so Gables needed...
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