Coming into high school as timid freshmen and leaving as independent, young adults, Coral Gables Senior High became a home for the Class of 2023, a place where students grew, learned and conquered. Following...
Leaving a lasting impact on your school is no easy feat, but some students, like senior Isabella Morales make this look like a walk in the park. Being both an involved student and an outstanding athlete...
After years of effort, college-bound Cavaliers celebrated their acceptance and commitment to their universities on College Signing Day, sponsored and planned by the College Assistance Program. On April...
Step right up, folks, and get ready to experience the excitement of Coral Gables Senior High's Senior Spirit Week, where the Class of 2023 show their spirit like never before. This year’s Senior Spirit...
Repping their team’s logos and roaring their motivating chants, the Coral Gables Senior High's class of 2023 attended the annual Senior Picnic on March 10. As graduation approaches, senior Cavaliers...
As the 2022-2023 school year begins to wind down and seniors lock in their college decisions, Marcela Rondon has become one of Coral Gables Senior High's latest Posse scholars. Thanks to the full-ride...
Continuing a longstanding Coral Gables Senior High tradition, the graduating class of 2023 celebrated their last year of high school with the signature Grad Bash annual event held at the Universal Orlando...
With upwards of 50,000 total applicants every year and an acceptance rate of nearly 6%, Duke University is a prestigious and highly selective college. However, with a little bit of hope and an Early Decision...
Less than six months from graduation and nine months from being a freshman in college, senior Sidney Eramil has committed to Pomona College, after earning a full-tuition scholarship through the Posse Foundation.
Entrenched with her responsibilities on the court, senior Avery Felix continues to veer the Coral Gables Senior High girls' volleyball team toward a district championship. Wearing her number five jersey...
The Miami Herald Silver Knight award, a scholarship program in Miami-Dade and Broward, is offered to outstanding students who create service projects centered around a passion they are devoted to. The...
From the moment students step foot into school on their first day back, they hear the unmistakable chatter of friends catching up, hallways swarming with their classmates and seniors showcasing their new...
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