Throughout high school, Cavaliers build up their college resumes, involving themselves in a variety of extracurriculars and activities in hopes of getting accepted into the school of their dreams. Remaining...
From achieving countless principal honor rolls in her academic career as a middle schooler, the transition to continuous excellence at Coral Gables Senior High is an endeavor to be congratulated. Making...
Building her profile throughout high school, senior Veronica Montalvo has contributed a lot of time to Coral Gables Senior High School. Her involvement in multiple campus activities has led up to her acceptance...
With most students beginning and some nearing the end of their college application journeys, Coral Gables Senior High's annual college fair presented a beacon of information for college-bound Cavaliers....
Who does one aspire to be when they grow up? Christina Weckel and other high school seniors across the nation have begun to answer that same question. Unveiling an interest for Science, Technology, Engineering...
After years of effort, college-bound Cavaliers celebrated their acceptance and commitment to their universities on College Signing Day, sponsored and planned by the College Assistance Program. On April...
With upwards of 50,000 total applicants every year and an acceptance rate of nearly 6%, Duke University is a prestigious and highly selective college. However, with a little bit of hope and an Early Decision...
Home to the hurricanes, the University of Miami sends out its early admissions letter to high school seniors in late January. However, for the select individuals who decide to apply for Early Decision...
This week's athlete of the week is senior William Blet, who was a key player in the Cavaliers' wins against their district rivals, Braddock and Columbus. Blet averaged 24 points, 11 rebounds and 2 block...
Here is the update list of the colleges that will be visiting if you participate in the colleges tours Visiting Colleges as of Sept 12 at 2 pm. Remember the colleges are subject to change so check the...
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