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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


A definitive guide to the various seats at Gables High.

Seats of Gables

High school: a time of self-discovery, fun times, and a lot of sitting. In the midst of it all, we do not spend much time thinking about the places we spend most of our time in: chairs. Without us realizing...

Such a wide variety of colors and types, which will you buy?

Are You a Chubbies Chaser?

Melissa Valladares, Staff Writer Feb 11, 2014

It was concluded that girls often wear shorter shorts while boys wear bottoms that are below the knee. So, it caught lots of attention when a couple of class men were seen strolling down the halls wearing...

This student decided to skip out on breakfast and, as a result, dozed off in class.

How To Be An All-Day Energizer Bunny

Hannah Cordes, Sports Editor Jan 12, 2014

People, especially over-stressed students, tend to constantly fall into the deceiving tricks of the end of the day drowsiness. Whether it is 7th or 8th period, or chilling at home, around 1:00 PM you...

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