With an ambitious vision, the Parent Teacher Student Association Green Team has a collaboration uniting its efforts to turn Coral Gables Senior High into a more environmentally friendly school. With the...
Join us in watching The Gables Garden Project participate in their collaborative event with local environmentalist initiative, AZeroWasteCulture. Watch as community members of both Key Biscayne and Coral Gables come together to foster their shared passion for sustainability. Composting and permaculture experts volunteer their time to teach younger generations of climate advocates, in hopes of inspiring eco-friendly practices in a fun and interactive way.
Composting is the planet's natural method of recycling matter, meaning something that was once a living thing can create rich, live soil. On Feb. 25, eight Coral Gables Senior High students attended...
As a Florida Green School Designation, Coral Gables Senior High's students have always been invested in implementing eco-friendly projects on campus. Its newest addition involves composting, where bins...
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