At Coral Gables Senior High, where knowledge blossoms, the Teaching Academy guides students to find their place in the world. In the hopes of becoming an educator, the students experience a unique twist...
Shedding some light on the many academies at Coral Gables Senior High, academy night was hosted for incoming freshmen and parents to learn about what the school has to offer. Students from numerous middle...
It's time for subject selection! As you scroll past the fashion elective, think again. This class taught by Mrs. Monzon is filled with creativity and passion. Perfect for both beginners and experts alike,...
As per Gables tradition, Academy Night was hosted on Oct. 25 to offer eighth graders a glimpse into the academies and magnet programs Gables has to offer. Throughout the night, upperclassmen from each...
Each year, the Design, Education, and Hospitality Academy; which consists of Fashion, Culinary, and childcare; compete in the FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community leaders of America) Contests.
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