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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Art Miami+Context included a variety of different works, such as this golden gorilla.

Art Basel and Art Miami 2019

Maia Berthier, Opinion Editor Dec 17, 2019

This past week of Dec. 2 to Dec.9, Miami residents and tourists alike gathered for the world renown week of art. Main exhibits such as Art Basel and Art Miami+Context attracted thousands of patrons each...

Wynwood is home to over 70 art galleries, retail stores, antique shops, eclectic bars, and one of the largest open-air street-art installations.

Wynwood = Zika Free!

Brianna Valdes, Staff Writer Sep 27, 2016

As of Sept. 19, Wynwood is no longer considered a Zika zone. Though the CDC says to remain cautious, Gov. Rick Scott urges residents and visitors to visit the district as it is now struggling from the...

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