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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Dunkin’ the Charli Remix Drink Review

Alexis Carrasquillo and Melanie Ozuna Mar 10, 2021

As Charli D’Amelio’s fame increases, she has collaborated with Dunkin once again to make “The Charli Remix”. This new drink is her go-to order of a cold brew with 3 pumps of caramel but this time...

Trying Dairy Queen’s Latest Fall Treats

Watch as Maria and Kennedy teat themselves to the lastest fall flavors at Dairy Queen. If you love ice cream just as much as they do, then definitely watch this video. They try the pumpkin pie, caramel...

Reviewing "the Charli" Dunkin Donuts Drink

Reviewing “the Charli” Dunkin Donuts Drink

Alexis Carrasquillo and Melanie Ozuna Sep 12, 2020

Charli D’Amelio is a famous tik toker known for her obsession with Dunkin Donuts coffee. Recently, she and Dunkin paired up to create “the Charli” which is Charli D'Amelio’s go-to order. Her order...

Pour some Coca-Cola into your toilet to leave it sparkly clean.

9 Crazy Uses for Coca-Cola

Sofia Bratt, Staff Writer Oct 29, 2014

Since it was invented in 1892 by Asa Griggs Candler, Cola-Cola has been the ultimate American drink. Throughout the past several decades, this refreshing drink has been a part of many historical and...

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