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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Gables Earth members attending their monthly meeting prior to Earth Week.

Virtual Earth Week With Gables Earth

Ariana Alvarez, Staff Writer Apr 19, 2020

The month of April is special to our planet Earth considering that on the 22nd we get to celebrate Earth Day. People all over the world come together to celebrate this special moment. On Earth Day, people...

Meet Your Prom King and Queen

Natalia Rodriguez, Staff Writer Apr 25, 2017

Prom, arguably the most anticipated and beloved school tradition, was held on Apr. 22nd at the JW Marriott. The night started off with a dinner and steadily picked up as students made their way to the...

Senior Prom Night: Earth Day

Senior Prom Night: Earth Day

Prom is the most anticipated event of a high school senior's year. It is the only night of the year where students look forward to getting all glammed up, planning what they are going to wear and...

Take care of your planet! Be one to make a difference.

Go Clean! Go Green!

Albany Muria, Staff Writer Apr 22, 2014

Helping out mother nature at least one day a year doesn't sound that hard, right? Try your best to help the environment that provides you with some of the most important essentials you need to live; try...

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