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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Enigma Catalán

Enigma Catalán

Paula Gonzalez, Staff Writer Oct 11, 2017

Por largo tiempo los catalanes han buscado la independencia, desde la unión de Catalunya con España esta idea se ha ido formando. Pero, en estos últimos años el sentimiento independentista ha incrementado....

Gables student Christian Limon at Miami anti-independence protest.

Catalonia and Spain: Democracy or Independence?

Ana Capiro, Spanish Editor Oct 9, 2017

For many decades the Catalan people have garnered a sense of independence and sovereignty, despite being a province of Spain. These feelings were put into action last week with a referendum that would...

Catalan nationalism

Catalan Independence Movement

Howard Senior, Copy Editor Oct 16, 2014

Catalonia, an autonomous region in Northeast Spain, has lately been campaigning for its own independence from the Spanish government. Vexed by the restrictions imposed on their autonomy from a 2010 Constitutional...

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