With the departure of Mr. Grapel, the former computer science teacher at Coral Gables Senior High School, the position became vacant, waiting to be filled as Cavaliers continued their journey in studying...
As Florida’s largest school district, Miami-Dade County has a handful of schools and institutions that teach Special Education and Exceptional Student Education programs, integrating these...
With the closing of the 2020-2021 school year came the closing of former Catharsis advisor Ms. Zaldivar’s time at Coral Gables Senior High. However, new beginnings are on the horizon for Gables’ creative...
As high school students take on advanced classes, extracurriculars and the trials and tribulations of teenage life before college, one often overlooks the role of those who guide them. At Coral Gables...
Endless essay analysis and infamous phone quizzes — pop quizzes that are given when a student would mischievously take out their phone in the middle of class — are just a few of the defining characteristics...
Our beloved English department head, Mrs. Torres, is officially saying goodbye to Coral Gables Senior High with the start of the 2020-2021 school year. After seven years of bettering our school, she has...
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