As the aroma of slow-smoked ribs fills the air and flames dance behind the kitchen window, Jeff Bud greets guests at the homey Apocalypse BBQ with the warmth of a pit master dedicated to his craft. The...
In a world where differences in culture can create barriers between people, there are those who rise above these challenges to foster unity and understanding. In an era marked by cultural diversity, junior...
In a world where many seek refuge from the rigors of academia, some individuals rise to the occasion, not only embracing the challenges of learning but also sharing their wisdom with others. Senior Brayan...
There are many different stories of those who occupy the halls of Coral Gables Senior High. Right across from each other, in the 3000 building in rooms 3131 and 3132, Ms. Ayleen Monzon and Ms. Mercy Monzon...
For as long as he can remember, Yoan Sanchez has loved the sound of music. What started for him as a childhood pastime soon became a lifelong love for singing. Entering Coral Gables Senior High this year...
Applying to top-notch universities is a primary interest for seniors looking to study in nationally-recognized programs. International Baccalaureate senior Micaela Montero has committed to the University...
Known for her high Certiport Certification passing rate in Entrepreneurship at Coral Gables Senior High, Ms. Brown’s talents are not limited to the classroom. If one happens to be passing by 16915 S....
What makes the world a better place? It’s simple, we do. Pamela Barrera opened up Verde, a store that refills containers with everyday products to promote an environmentally friendly future, with the intention to show people that change does happen overnight, just because you can’t see it does mean it’s not happening. We interviewed Verde’s co-owner, Pamela Barrera, and customer, Carmen Diaz, because we want to give her and Verde a voice as they continue on with their journey to show that one person can change the word.
Laura Ridoux, CavsConnect Copy Editor
• Dec 9, 2022
Scrolling through social media platforms, teens usually try to find themselves amongst posted photos or spotlighted in videos. However, less attention is given to the person who actually takes the pictures,...
Pointing students towards a life of service, the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is responsible for educating individuals on future military opportunities. Marching with his squadron, sophomore...
When someone thinks about math, they most likely envision textbooks filled with lessons and practice questions. However, mathematics teacher and yearbook advisor Ms. Zuniga has worked to shatter this presumption...
As students seek to discover ways to support their community during the school year, some participate in school clubs while others spend their time volunteering outside of school. Sophomore Michelle Hernandez...
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