After taking a year-long break from production, the infamous AstroWorld festival marked its place in history as one of the most horrific events of 2021. Minutes before Travis Scott's concert, fans rushed...
Born in Houston, Texas, famous Hip Hop-Trap artist Travis Scott decided to host a two-day music festival in his hometown that ended up resulting in the deaths of at least nine concertgoers, and left hundreds...
Our Rating: A+
Oktoberfest is the world's largest beer and travelling funfair festival, with large quantities of beer, traditional and non-traditional foods, folk music, and everything needed to have...
Makayla Bell, highlights contributor
• Oct 18, 2017
This year, a playwright’s festival in New York City was held, bringing about an ambience of creativity, inspiration and opportunity to the Big Apple. This is a reality that has happened to a selected...
Our Rating: A+
Over the years, Wynwood has gained international recognition for being a burgeoning center for the arts. This prominence has given Wynwood the chance to proudly host the Art Wynwood...
Our Rating: A-
Hispanic Heritage Month is a widely celebrated month of festivities, especially in Southern Florida where the hispanic population is one of the largest in the United States. To celebrate...
On April 8-10, the Gay pride festival came to Miami Beach for the eighth time, bringing members from the LGBT community together. Thousands of people attended this festival, including people not from...
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights is one of the largest celebrations of the year in India; it marks the end of the harvest season and is celebrated with lots of lights, fireworks and...
Our Rating: A
On July 11 and 12, around 9,000 people gathered at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens to for its annual mango festival. At this event, the mango’s taste and culture were celebrated....
Last Friday, March 6, billions of people around the world celebrated the beautiful holiday of Holi, which signifies the victory of good over evil and the plentiful harvests associated with the coming of...
Senior Santos Cruz and Junior Bianca Herlory received the prestigious honor of participating in The Annual Tri-State Band and Conducting Festival. The Gables band has instruments from the clarinet all...
On February 22, the South Miami Rotary Art Festival celebrated art in its many forms at Sunset Mall in front of the movie theater and between Red Road and US 1. The festival lasted from 12:00 PM all the...
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