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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Celebrating their Silver Knight nominations, the group of Gables seniors stand together.

Silver Knight Nominees: Class of 2022

Alan Morffi and Allison Cajina Nov 1, 2021

Awarded to students in Miami-Dade and Broward County every year, the Miami Herald Silver Knight Award and scholarship is given to students who go above and beyond in their community by organizing service...

Five Cavaliers - Daniella Berrospi, Ruben Escobar, Yazmin Quevedo, Kluivert Suquino, and Angie Villalobos - share their high school experiences and reflect on their growth in light of being named QuestBridge Finalists.

The Journey Onto The Next Four: QuestBridge Finalists Announced

Ingrid Moises and Jana Faour Nov 25, 2019

For most students, the college application season starts on Aug. 1, when the Common Application and other sites open. For others, this process really began in September with QuestBridge (QB) opening its...

Ten CGHS seniors have qualified as Posse scholarship finalists. (From left to right: Valerie Montesino, Juliana Robles, Logan Morris, Robbyn Jimenez, Teague Scanlon, Jose Balcazar, Camilo Bacca, Monica De Varona and Victoria Fonesca. Sydney Campagna not pictured.)

The Home Stretch: Posse Scholarships

Annie Farrell, Editor Nov 22, 2014

Every year, several Gables seniors are nominated to participate in the Posse scholarship process. During this process, the Posse Foundation "identifies public high school students with extraordinary...

"It's personal".

Gablettes & Co. take F.D.T.D.A.

Allyssa Dobkins, Staff Writer Feb 27, 2014

On Saturday, February 22nd, the Gablettes & Company competed once again; this time with slightly higher stakes. The team participated in the 13th Florida Dance Team Directors' Association(FDTDA) against...

The Gablettes with their well deserved trophies.

Gablettes & Co. at ADA States

Allyssa Dobkins, Staff Writer Feb 6, 2014

This past Sunday, Gables' very own National Champion dance team, the Gablettes and Company, competed at their annual state competition. The event was hosted by the American Dance Alliance under Rosanna...

Contestants Out For The Posse

Camilo Bacca, Staff Writer Nov 9, 2013

In a yearly completion, the Posse foundation scouts the country for talented young leaders, and this year, CGHS was lucky enough to have three different finalists: Maura Torres, Danae Diaz, and Melissa...

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