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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The Financial Literacy Act  provides more opportunities for students in Miami-Dade to learn about personal finance and independence after graduation.

Florida’s Financial Literacy Push: Necessary for a Financially Savvy Future

Anthony Fajardo, Staff Writer Dec 10, 2022

As students at Coral Gables Senior High prepare for their transition into the adult world, the need for education about the economy and personal financial management is becoming increasingly important....

Students playing an intense game of Red Light Green Light as they try to make it to the other side of the court without being caught moving.

AOF Students Go Mad Over Mad City Money

Anthony Russo, Sports Editor Dec 14, 2021

Bringing the classic Monopoly game to life, the National Academy of Finance hosted its annual Mad City Money event. In this simulation, NAF aims to give freshmen and sophomores a taste of life post-high...

Vanessa Larco returned to Gables on Thursday, Dec. 9 while in town to visit Biology teacher Mr. Molina.

Alumna Vanessa Larco Transforms the World of Tech and Finance

Sofia Cruz and Isabel Donner Dec 12, 2021

Coral Gables Senior High alumna Vanessa Larco wholeheartedly represents the Cavalier spirit as she has cultivated a successful career in the fields of Finance and Technology. Pioneering as one of the few...

Stocks for Dummies: Guide To Getting Started

Stocks for Dummies: Guide To Getting Started

Sam Sommer, CavsTV Staff Mar 29, 2021

Bulls? Bears? It's all very confusing. The stock market is one of the most popular investments out there, but it is hard to get a grip on what everything means and how it all works. This guide is going...

Many investors have come together to increase the value of stocks like that of Gamestop for personal gain, ultimately creating millions on losses for Wall Street investors.

Small Investors Turn the Market Upside-Down

Anthony Russo, Sports Editor Feb 1, 2021

This past week, a stock market insurgence, the likes of which has never been seen before, occurred suddenly and fueled a growing predicament for Wall Street investors. GameStop, American Multi-Cinema and...

Khareem Oliver: Lover of Business

Khareem Oliver: Lover of Business

Yeileny Lopez, Staff Writer Mar 8, 2017

Senior Khareem Oliver is part of the Academy of Finance at Gables. Recently, he was personally invited to the prestigious Chase for Business Conference. This conference is an invite-only free event...

The Cavalier Credit Union offers internships for students in the National Academy of Finance.

Internship at The Cavalier Credit Union

Daniela Quijano, Editor Oct 5, 2014

Gables is a school that offers countless opportunities to students with every imaginable interest; students can showcase their abilities through clubs, sports, and now, through the Cavalier Credit Union. The Union...

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