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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Senior Emma Palanque poses with a mannequin in Gables's fashion room before she sets her sights to FIT.

Emma Palanque Designs Her Future as a FIT Tiger

Lorena Acevedo, Staff Writer May 18, 2023

With the 2022-2023 school year coming to a close, the soon-to-be graduates are left with countless questions: "What college is right for me?", "What will I major in?" and "Will everything go according...

Losing the holiday weight has never been easier. Here is how to make the most out of the holiday season with a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Ho Ho Ho and the Weight is Gone

Audrey Simon, Staff Writer Dec 24, 2019

It is that time of year again, the air is thick with the smell of fresh cut pine trees and everyone is in a cheerful mood with Christmas right around the corner. With the holidays comes irresistible sweets...

Anyone can make one of these delicious and colorful smoothies!

Savory Smoothies

Lane Morris, Staff Writer Aug 29, 2014

After a long day of school, students often come home starving. The first thing they grab is a bag of chips because well, it's easy. But it's honestly worth the 3 extra minutes to prepare a refreshing smoothie....

CGHS Gets Fit: Health Fair

Natalia Clement, Staff Writer Feb 22, 2014

The desire to be fit and live a healthy lifestyle is becoming more popular in today's society. Students are interested in how they can improve their health and live better lives. CGHS’s first ever Health...

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