Capturing content at the crack of dawn, Coral Gables Senior Highs’ Gables Live broadcasters avidly rise to the challenge ensuring timely news. Overseeing this production, Ms. Natalie Abrahantes returns...
After graduating from Coral Gables Senior High, Raul Alejandro Flores, a Gables alumna, returns to school grounds to create a short film, “We the Youth”. Throughout the making of the film for the local...
Como se acostumbra año con año, las publicaciones de Coral Gables Senior Highschool: Cavsconnect, Highlights, Gables Live, Catharsis y Yearbook asistieron a la conferencia de la Asociación de Prensa...
Durante muchos años en nuestra escuela los estudiantes pertenecientes a Comunicación, Artes, Filmes y Media Digital, con sus siglas en inglés [CAF&DM], despliegan el talento enseñado por sus instructores...
Celebrating their accomplishments, members of CAF&DM and its respective publications attended an annual banquet held at Renaissance Ballrooms on May 23. Upon their arrival,...
Ready to immerse themselves in the wonders of journalism and compete head-to-head against some of Florida's best publications, the Communication Arts, Film, and Digital Media (CAF & DM) Academy...
The week of Feb. 1-5 marks the the fifth year that Ms. Zuniga, academy leader for the Communication Arts, Film, and Digital Media (CAF&DM) academy, puts on Journalism Week (J-Week) with the combined...
The Communication, Arts, Film & Digital Media (CAF&DM) academy's annual field trip to the action-packed journalism known as FSPA took place April 24-26. A bus filled with students from all...
Eighty-eight of our Communication Arts students attended and competed at the Florida Scholastic Press Association's District 6 40th Annual Journalism Day, held at Florida International University on Saturday,...
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