Proving to become the next Steven Spielberg, senior Litzy Garcia has managed to bring audiences with emotions together through the art of storytelling. Winning first place in the Parent Teacher Student...
2020 has been nothing short of a dumpster fire. Despite the raging disaster that this past year has been, there have been some good moments amidst the horror of the past 12 months. Scroll through this...
La ciudad de Houston, Texas, la cuarta más poblada de los Estados Unidos, se encuentra literalmente bajo agua. El Huracán Harvey tocó tierra en Texas la noche del 25 y 26 de agosto en forma de tormenta...
On April 11, 2014, the CGHS GSA will be organizing a Day of Silence, a national day for raising awareness of anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying, and harassment in all schools. Students can take a vow...
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