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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Mr. Garcia proudly smiles while handing out his academy shirts to his students.

Mr. Garcia Influences the Cavaliers Pride

Selena Feal, Staff Writer Nov 29, 2023

In the white and red hallways of Coral Gables Senior High, one teacher stands out, filled with knowledge and teaching experience from over three decades, Mr. Garcia. From teaching the intricacies of government...

Junior Ahmad Fambro opens his strides during the 800 meter race at Traz Powell Stadium.

Ahmad Fambro: Reliving his Passion for Athletics

Jacqueline Rodero, Staff Writer Feb 12, 2023

Building the confidence to exceed in not one but two varsity sports is a unique characteristic that distinguishes athletes of Coral Gables Senior High. Extracurricular involvement is familiar ground for...

Student Activities members Elise Ballart and Gabriela McGrath guided parents and students to the tables they were searching for.

Incoming Freshmen Explore Gables during Academy Night

Melissa Hernandez, Staff Writer Jan 31, 2023

Shedding some light on the many academies at Coral Gables Senior High, academy night was hosted for incoming freshmen and parents to learn about what the school has to offer. Students from numerous middle...

Abner Fuentes is a sophomore in the Health, Science, Public Service and Law Program here at Gables.

Abner Fuentes: Cavalier Fitness Lover

Lorena Acevedo, Staff Writer Sep 23, 2021

Being comfortable in one's skin often takes time, especially for teenagers who are not only trying to find themselves but also navigate the world around them. For Cavalier sophomore Abner Fuentes, the...

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