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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Juniors from the Class of 2026 gather around to capture a photo at the University of Central Florida, reminiscing on the memories and information gained on their journey.

Class of 2026 Explores College Pathways During the In-State College Tour

Embracing the college experience, juniors from the Class of 2026 partook in the annual tradition of the in-state college tour to gain a first-hand experience on life beyond high school. Venturing across...

In-State College Tour Application and Scholarship Application

Daniel Toll, Co-Editor-in-Chief Oct 16, 2019

Are you a junior planning to attend this year's In-State College Tour. If so, please click here to access the application, which can only be turned in to Student Activities on Oct.29, and please consider...

Class of 2017 College Signing

Class of 2017 College Signing

Thomas Harley, Photographer Apr 19, 2017

Contemplating between in-state, out of state, and international may be a difficult, but necessary decision.

College: In, Out and About

Mariam Ahumada, Staff Writer Mar 1, 2016

Choosing a college location is just as important as choosing the college itself. With options ranging from in-state, out of state and international it can be easy to sell yourself short. Luckily,...

Get excited for In-State College Tour!

In-State College Tour Field Trip Form

Annie Farrell, Contributor Sep 16, 2015

In-State College Tour is quickly approaching! The tour will take place Wednesday, November 4th – Friday, November 6th. We will be visiting University of Central Florida (UCF), University of Florida...

IN STATE college tour coming soon!

2015 IN STATE College Tour Important Info

Annie Farrell, Editor Jun 10, 2015

Hello class of 2017! Below is some important information regarding 2015 IN STATE college tour. The tour will now take place Wednesday, November 4th - Friday, November 6th.  We will now be visiting the...

Información sobre las visitas universitarias dentro del estado.

Monica De Varona, Staff Writer Sep 15, 2014

De interes para los padres: Fecha: Lunes, 10 de noviembre (6 a.m.) – Miércoles, 12 de noviembre (9 p.m.) Precio: $210 (en efectivo) Fechas de recogida: 17 y 18 de septiembre durante ambos almuerzos...

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