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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


South Asia unexpectedly turns their skit into a dance battle from both sides of the families attending the wedding, earning gasps of surprise from the crowd.

CavCamp 2023 Gives a Warm Welcome to Incoming IB Freshmen

Marina Astorga, Staff Writer Jun 20, 2023

A long line of new faces can be seen entering the auditorium lobby; nervous and excited chatter can be heard among them. On June 12, the Class of 2027 stepped into Gables for their first time. As a longstanding...

Student Activities members Elise Ballart and Gabriela McGrath guided parents and students to the tables they were searching for.

Incoming Freshmen Explore Gables during Academy Night

Melissa Hernandez, Staff Writer Jan 31, 2023

Shedding some light on the many academies at Coral Gables Senior High, academy night was hosted for incoming freshmen and parents to learn about what the school has to offer. Students from numerous middle...

Ms. Zuniga and yearbook students prepare their presentation for the incoming freshmen.

Prospective Parents Meet Gables Academies

Jake Paz, Staff Writer Dec 12, 2014

To view the Academy Night photo gallery click here. Gables hosted its annual Academy Night on Dec. 9, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. to ensure that students interested in attending Gables gained a better view...

Welcome Class of 2018!

Welcome Class of 2018!

Albany Muria, Orestes Gonzalez – Staff Writers, Camilo Bacca- Photographer Jun 3, 2014

  Freshman Orientation is a rite of passage to many high school students, and upon attending, incoming students can already sense the Cavalier spirit. The auditorium, crammed with parents and...

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