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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Isabella Morales/ highlights

S.O.S. Cuba Extension

Georgia Rau and Carolina Castro Oct 22, 2021

Faith Diaz Q: How do you feel about the S.O.S Cuba movement? A: I honestly think that the movement should have been started a long time ago. I am Cuban and so is my whole family. I have family...

Issue 1: Breadth vs. Depth

Issue 1: Breadth vs. Depth

Kevin Monjarrez and Sutton Payne Feb 12, 2018
In all stages of educational development, students can choose between pursuing a specific focus or broadening oneself over several subject areas. In this debate between specialization and generalization, one will find that there are merits to both.
Lawyers Naomi Alzate and Veronica Gordon teach Mr. Garcia's 4th period.

Lawyers visit Gables

Lane Morris, Staff Writer Feb 26, 2015

On Feb. 4, two lawyers, Naomi Alzate and Veronica Gordon visited Mr. Garcia's law classes. Alzate and Gordon are associates at the Bilzin Sumberg law firm, visiting through a program called "Street...

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