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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Tomas (second from left) came prepared with his fellow interns for the City of Coral Gables Commission Meeting on July 9, where he would deliver a layout on his team's findings and potential solutions.

Christian Tomas Procures Insight to the City of Coral Gables

Andres Rodriguez, Site Manager Sep 13, 2024

For several Cavaliers, summertime calls for adventures in different parts of the world. For junior Christian Tomas, however, he set his sights on his local community and decided to complete an internship...

Senior Grace Urbita poses with Principal Mr. Ullivarri, School Board Member Mari Tere Rojas and others at her SYIP internship.

Senior Grace Urbita Takes On the School Board Administration

Avril Donner, Staff Writer Sep 1, 2022

While returning back to the school system over the summer may seem like a humorous joke for some students, for Cavalier Grace Urbita, the classroom is her second home. Starting an internship with Miami-Dade...

Maria Duarte, Ruben Duran and Mariana Gutierrez (left to right), spent their summer  completing their AOF summer internship.

AOF Seniors Summer Endeavors

Melissa Hernandez, Staff Writer Aug 30, 2022

From law firms to marine biology institutes, the Academy of Finance seniors return from their summer break with knowledge and a hand-on experience in nearly every career field imaginable. Considering that...

Blanco can usually be found in history teacher Mr. De Armas’s classroom, where she is given the opportunity to combine her love for technology and gaming.

Katherine Blanco Takes On Technology

Camila Ruiz, Staff Writer Jan 17, 2022

As technology becomes ingrained in our everyday lives, there is increased emphasis on the youth learning to manage the digital world to lead the future. While some may struggle in adapting to new technological...

Cuando Sánchez estaba fuera del laboratorio, siempre se la podía encontrar dando presentaciones sobre el sistema de coral a los campista los cuales le fascinaba tocar los corales.

Un verano inolvidable: Aprendizaje fuera del aula

Natalie Abrahantes, Staff Writer Aug 14, 2019

El curso escolar pasado, los estudiantes de décimo y undécimo grado se reunieron en el auditorio donde la Sra. Suárez presentó el nuevo programa de pasantías. El cual fue ofrecido a los estudiantes...

Senior Lia Sanchez performed scientific tests on coral samples as a part of her internship at the Frost Museum of Science.

An Inside Look Into the Summer Internship Experiences

Sofia Cruz, Staff Writer Aug 13, 2019

For students that wish to expand their learning opportunities, summer gives them the break they need from their busy schedules to do just that. For some Cavaliers, this meant taking part in the Summer...

The Cavalier Credit Union offers internships for students in the National Academy of Finance.

Internship at The Cavalier Credit Union

Daniela Quijano, Editor Oct 5, 2014

Gables is a school that offers countless opportunities to students with every imaginable interest; students can showcase their abilities through clubs, sports, and now, through the Cavalier Credit Union. The Union...

Plan it out: don't expect to achieve your dreams without organization.

Welcome to Your Dream Job

Natalia Clement, Staff Writer Mar 16, 2014

Growing up, we were all asked what we wanted to be when we were older. By the time we reach high school, the old "ballerina" and "firefighter" responses quickly fade and the typical "stuck behind a desk"...

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