Throughout high school, Cavaliers build up their college resumes, involving themselves in a variety of extracurriculars and activities in hopes of getting accepted into the school of their dreams. Remaining...
Year after year, a new pool of seniors faces the time-consuming process of applying for the colleges they wish to attend. After four years of hard work to maintain a good grade point average, writing college...
The month of October is traditionally a busy time for seniors applying to colleges and is a great time for younger students to explore the opportunities and obligations that will come towards the end of...
Throughout the nation, hard-working students and parents alike are discussing the recent college admission scandal. Across eight institutions, the families of 33 students were indicted for bribery and...
El verano presenta la oportunidad para que los estudiantes se desarrollen más allá de la escuela y aprendan sobre lo que les interese. Este interés por seguir el aprendizaje durante las vacaciones es...
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