As technology becomes ingrained in our everyday lives, there is increased emphasis on the youth learning to manage the digital world to lead the future. While some may struggle in adapting to new technological...
In the restaurant industry, becoming a chef usually takes time and experience that comes with age. For senior Andrea Sosa though, this does not seem to be the case. She recently garnered a job working...
For many, high school is a period of time that calls for personal growth in preparation for the transition into adulthood. One of the first adult-like experiences a teenager goes through is working their...
As they enter high school, many students begin to branch out into different after-school activities, delving into sports, clubs and even jobs. Junior Camila Ruiz shares her life as a full-time student...
As a teen getting a job is a very new thing with many responsibilities. Many get overwhelmed with the process and don't even know where t0 start. In this spark we cover tips and requirements on how to...
With scholarship deadlines around the corner, knowing how to make the perfect resume is key. Here's an easy and simplified resume break down that will guide you from start to finish.
First things first:...
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