Dedicated to tennis, junior Warren Miller has come a long way. Being a starter on the Coral Gables High School boys tennis team, his preparations revolve around his training, diet and schedule in order...
In a world where differences in culture can create barriers between people, there are those who rise above these challenges to foster unity and understanding. In an era marked by cultural diversity, junior...
In the world of high school cheerleading, there's a certain aura of excitement that permeates the air during pep rallies. The pounding of feet, the roar of the crowd and the synchronized cheers fill the...
Building the confidence to exceed in not one but two varsity sports is a unique characteristic that distinguishes athletes of Coral Gables Senior High. Extracurricular involvement is familiar ground for...
Locked in for his second consecutive season on the mat, junior Diego Imbert strives to lead Cavalier wrestling to a state appearance this school year. Imbert was selected to be co-captain after years of...
Muchos estudiantes se esfuerzan por encontrar un pasatiempo que los ayude a lidiar con el estrés de la vida cotidiana, algunos encuentran alivio haciendo deporte como el baloncesto o el fútbol; mientras...
As students strive to find a hobby that will help them cope with the stressors of everyday life, some might find relief in playing a sport such as basketball or soccer, while others immerse themselves...
While Coral Gables Senior High is full of dedicated student-athletes participating in a variety of sports, one Cavalier has taken her passion for her sport a step further, achieving a spot on a national...
Congratulations! If your name is on THIS attached list, you qualify to submit an awards application. The individuals mentioned were nominated by at least 2 teachers from CGHS to potentially receive an...
As the year comes to a close, rising seniors continue to be involved in both academics and their respective communities. Among these Cavaliers is future Model United Nations president Benjamin Pla. Since...
At the start of her junior year, senior Alexandra Torres grew frustrated with the lack of organizations that worked to help teenage survivors of sexual assault. Torres had recently met junior Lauren Gregorio...
If you’re a junior you should know that college applications are right around the corner, which is why Junior Parent College Night is extremely important. If you weren't able to attend, watch this video...
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