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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


This article is meant to help students find information on their class fundraiser, where they have to sell magazines and cakes to support Coral Gables Senior High.

Tips and Tricks to Guide You Through Fundraising Season

Sofia Cruz, Staff Writer Sep 10, 2019

As the time left for the Coral Gables Senior High class fundraisers tick away, some students are wondering how to sell the products; this year, they are magazines and bundt cakes. Others may be confused...

Class of 2020 announcement!

Junior Class Field Trip Form

Jesse Zambrano, Features Editor Sep 16, 2018

If interested in attending this year’s class trip click the link below and download the field trip form! Collections of both the $90 and printed field trip form will take place during BOTH lunches Mon,...

Estas listo para divertirte con tus amigos?

Junior Class Trip to Bush Gardens

Maria F. Estrada, Features Editor Oct 28, 2016

Attention class of 2018! Your class trip to Bush Gardens will be on Jan.27. Click here to find the field trip form and bring it along with your $85 during collection dates (Nov.14,15,16) that will take...

Juniors, on the junior class trip excitedly venture through Busch Gardens in their pack of friends.

The Class of 2015 Conquers Busch Gardens

Jose Balcazar, Staff Writer Dec 22, 2013

It is an annual tradition for each class to plan a class trip to one of the many extravagant amusement parks that Florida has to offer. This year the elected student board for the Class of 2015, designated...

The Class of 2015 Conquers Busch Gardens

The Class of 2015 Conquers Busch Gardens

Logan Morris, Photographer Dec 22, 2013


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Junior Class Trip