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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Gables students attend the Washington D.C. March for Our Lives event.

Many Marches, One Message–March for Our Lives Around the World

Chase Bagnall-Koger, Staff Writer Mar 29, 2018

The March for Our lives was a massive protest against gun violence that took place in Washington D.C. and over 800 other cities around the world on Mar. 24, 2018. It was announced by survivors of the Marjory...

March for Our Lives Field Trip Form

March for Our Lives Field Trip Form

Nikita Leus-Oliva, Business Manager Mar 6, 2018

Are you interested in attending the March for Our Lives, on Saturday, March 24th? Do you want to stand with your friends and classmates to oppose gun violence? Do you want to do your part to make our schools...

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