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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Great Mills High School, donde se tomo acabo la tragedia.

Un evento demasiado triste: Cuántas pruebas más necesitamos?

Orestes Garcia, Staff Writer Mar 22, 2018

Durante mucho tiempo, estudiantes, profesores, padres y la media, han estado asesorando al Presidente Donald Trump y al Congreso de los Estados Unidos de el peligro que acecha a los estudiantes en...

2,000 National Guardsmen and 1,000 police officers were sent in an effort to stop the riots.

Riots in Baltimore, Maryland

Catherine Healy, Business Manager Apr 29, 2015

Monday, April 27, a funeral service was held in honor of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died due to a spinal injury he endured while in police custody, in Baltimore. Minutes after the service,...

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