From being a dedicated student in Coral Gables Senior High to stepping into the role of chemistry teacher, Mr. Rodney Michel's journey has been unique. Although his path in education might be brief, with...
Jessica Molina, daughter of biology teacher Mr. Molina, spoke at one of Andrea Jaimes Medical Leader’s Club meetings on March 23. The guest speaker discussed her journey into medical school and gave...
Lauren Perna and Andrea Jaime first met at an open court volleyball game at Coral Gables Senior High School. Perna described herself as a “scared little freshman” and Jaime was a junior at the time....
Bees have contributed a lot to the ecosystem and to humanity itself; honey, pollination, biodiversity and more. They do so much for the planet and recently, bees have added a new contribution to their...
Finding a cure or treatment for the Coronavirus has become a pressing matter over the past few months. Scientists and medical professionals are still searching for ways to create a vaccine or treatment...
Interested in being a part of the Andrea Jaime Medical Leader Board? Looking to further enhance your leadership and skills in the medical field? Apply to the be part of the AJML board today! The application...
With the increasing competition in the healthcare field, one’s premedical track should start before college. The Gables Medical Leaders (GML) club, a new organization for students interested in medicine,...
There may have once been a legitimate debate as to whether the side effects of vaccines posed a risk greater than their benefit. Several correlational studies marginally supported the idea that some vaccines...
Following a year filled with challenging courses and lots of testing, most Coral Gables high students were more than happy to trade their 7 AM classes and endless homework assignments for sandy beaches...
On Thursday, Jan. 15, pharmacist Manny Leal visited Gables to speak with students and answer their questions regarding the intricacies of working in the pharmaceutical industry. Leal, who currently works...
The first medication we'll usually take to cure a headache, stomach ache or any sort of pain is an Advil, Motrin, Aleve or other kind of pain killer. Why take all this medication, when there are natural...
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