Engaging in heartfelt conversations with students and teachers on a sense of renewed inspiration for the Cavalier lifestyle, the annual tradition of inviting influential members around Miami-Dade County...
It is common knowledge that the college you attend will have a significant impact on your job options throughout your life. In addition to being a life-altering choice, choosing a college may also be exceedingly...
As the new school year approaches, there have been many debates regarding whether or not masks should be mandatory in schools across the country, especially here in Florida. Though many Americans have...
After Governor RonDesantis announced a Phase 3 reopening of the state, COVID-19 numbers have begun to soar and Florida is currently having a surge similar to the one experienced in the summer months. A...
On the week of Jan.6, Miami-Dade County Public Schools announced how they would be having an opinion survey for their new suggested bell schedules. The district hoped to divise bell times that would accommodate...
Florida, apart from being synonymous with beaches and long vacations, is famous for its heated elections. Whether they be national or statewide elections, Florida's demography creates consistently razor-thin...
Since March 7, the chances of a countywide uniform policy within Florida have increased due to a recent proposition by a House of Education subcommittee. The proposed bill would allow the distribution...
Turkey legs, cotton candy, and carnival games all leading up to that huge teddy bear you are forced to drag once you win -oh and let's not forget the clowns- become a part of the fair. An amusement...
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