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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The Gables Model United Nations team poses in front of the school before their bus ride to the conference. The representatives follow a formal dress code and wear suits and formal attire.

Gables Model UN Practices Diplomacy at their First Statewide Conference

Luke Savage, News Editor Mar 18, 2025

The Gables Model United Nations team collaborated with other schools from across Florida to competitively resolve global issues; at the Miami Dade College North Campus, on Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, students...

Como presidente de Model United Nations, una de las funciones principales de Benjamin Pla es captar alumnos y difundir información valiosa sobre el club.

Benjamin Pla: Presidente de Model UN y Futuro Diplomático

Con grandes esperanzas de trabajar como Oficial del Servicio Exterior en el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, Benjamin Pla ya está plantando semillas para una carrera fructífera. Fomentando...

Sophomore Jesse Zambrano and junior Alain Perez discuss with delegates possible resolutions for their committees.

First Time’s the Charm: Gables Model UN Beats All Expectations

Pablo Hanono, Staff Writer Feb 28, 2018

The Coral Gables High Model United Nations team (MUN) attended the Miami Dade College MUN conference last weekend. Having become an official Gables club only this year, MDC MUN was a first for the majority...

The Model UN team posing in front of one of the main entrances to the University of Florida before committee

Model United Nations Team Revisits the Swamp

Pablo Hanono, Staff Writer Jan 28, 2018

While most students prefer to spend their weekends relaxing with family and friends, the Coral Gables Model United Nations (MUN) team traveled to Gainesville to compete in the 15th annual GatorMUN conference....

After a successful day at the Model UN conference, students are hopeful about future conferences.

Gables’ Model UN Goes to Miami-Dade

Albany Muria and Daniela Quijano Mar 2, 2015

On Feb. 21, 16 students participated in the Model UN Conference at the Miami-Dade College North Campus. Meeting as early as 7:30 a.m., the students and their chaperone, History Teacher Mr. De Armas, headed...

Model UN is a program reaching out to students who are passionate about speaking on international affairs.

Model UN at Gables!

Bhargavi Pochi, Staff Writer Dec 23, 2014

Recently, AP European History teacher Mrs. Landsea started Model United Nations (Model UN) at Gables with the hope of reaching out to interested students. Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations,...

Mrs. Landsea is known for her bubbly personality and love for teaching.

The History of Mrs. Landsea

Kelsy Pacheco, Sports Editor Nov 10, 2014

Loved for her sarcastic jokes and caring personality, you can spot Mrs. Landsea on the third floor of the Ralph Moore Building. As the Advanced Placement European History (AP Euro) teacher, she makes sure...

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