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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


President senior Brianna Rodriguez and vice-president sophomore Rosalia Ledesma showed off their club, Future Educators of America, at Club Fair to  encouraged students to join and learn more about the art of teaching.

Do After-School Activities Promote Academic Success?

Kate Kuryla, Staff Writer Oct 4, 2024

While many students look forward to the comfort of their beds after a long seven-hour day at school, this is not the case for countless club leaders and athletes at Coral Gables Senior High. Staying after...

Wanting to make the event memorable, seniors headed on over to the photo booth, where they posed with their ’24 graduation symbol.

Celebrating a Year’s Effort of Studying

Aaron Rojas, Features Editor Nov 20, 2023

Taking the U.S. History End-of-Course Assessment that put their historical knowledge to the test in May 2023, the Class of 2024 found themselves at the doors of the auditorium, eager to celebrate their...

Mr. Pollard hopes his newest book will serve as a guiding light for younger generations and help them to find themselves.

Social Studies Teacher Mr. Pollard Publishes His Latest Book

Elena Rodriguez, Staff Writer Jun 1, 2022

Coral Gables Senior High social studies teacher Mr. Pollard has officially published his first installment in his “The Book Everyone Should Read” series: “Motivation and You”. Inspired by his own...

Many Gifted students experience a lack of motivation stemming from their unique academic upbringing.

What are “Gifted and Talented” Students Really Gifted With?

Chase Bagnall-Koger and Maia Berthier Feb 23, 2021

Congratulations. You’re Gifted. ‘Gifted with what?’ you might ask. That is an excellent question—one that no one in the entire United States educational system seems to have a direct answer...

How to Keep a Positive Mindset During Virtual School

How to Keep a Positive Mindset During Virtual School

Alejandra De llano, Staff Writer Aug 15, 2020

As the new school year approaches at Coral Gables Senior High, students are preparing to start online classes and teachers are trying to get accustomed to not being in their classrooms with their students....

Senior Laia Gonzalez is committed to competing in track and field, and wishes to continue in the future.

Laia Gonzalez: The Chase of Her Dreams

Melanie Ozuna, Staff Writer Jan 12, 2020

For the lives of many students, it is difficult to perform at an optimal level while balancing academics and extracurricular activities. For the Coral Gables Cavaliers, the tall task at hand is one that...

With great work and dedication, you can find yourself getting good grades in no time!

The Secret to Straight A’s

Albany Muria, Staff Writer Mar 20, 2014

We all have that dream of being able to achieve straight A's at least once in our lifetime. Even if you have not yet reached that 3.50 that determines the grade of an A in each class, with these tips you...

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