Bringing the classic Monopoly game to life, the National Academy of Finance hosted its annual Mad City Money event. In this simulation, NAF aims to give freshmen and sophomores a taste of life post-high...
In recent years, Coral Gables Senior High’s Academy of Finance has gained much acclaim for its vast social media presence and multitude of events in conjunction with local and national businesses. Although...
Last week, the International Baccalaureate Honors Society and National Academy of Finance student board hosted Cav Camp, a weeklong camp filled with activities to welcome incoming freshmen. NAF’s freshman...
A handful of National Academy of Finance (NAF) students from Coral Gables Senior High were given the opportunity to go to Florida International University (FIU) to participate in an annual National Foundation...
Opening its doors in 1950, Coral Gables Senior High School (CGHS) has welcomed thousands of eager students who ready for an educational path unlike any other. The home of the Cavaliers was the first high...
As per Gables tradition, Academy Night was hosted on Oct. 25 to offer eighth graders a glimpse into the academies and magnet programs Gables has to offer. Throughout the night, upperclassmen from each...
Congratulations to junior Zack Walsh who placed third in the eMerge America's Conference on May 4. Zack created "Life Cycle", his NFTE Business Plan, in his Dual Enrollment Entrepreneurship...
The National Academy of Finance (NAF) teamed up with McDonald's to raise money this past Wednesday, April 29. After a successful night of fundraising, the academy will use the money they gained to...
Gables is a school that offers countless opportunities to students with every imaginable interest; students can showcase their abilities through clubs, sports, and now, through the Cavalier Credit Union. The Union...
Our school is committed to keeping you safe on the road, and that’s why we’re participating in Celebrate My Drive®, a program that’s all about celebrating the fun of getting your driver’s license...
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