On Dec. 5, Gables held another successful "Innovation Day," hosted in collaboration with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship. The event focused on equipping students with critical thinking and problem-solving...
What started as a business dream, now brings Coral Gables Senior High's Felipe Escobar and Juan Varela to New York's national Entrepreneurship Youth Competition. The app and website they named "Bright",...
A handful of National Academy of Finance (NAF) students from Coral Gables Senior High were given the opportunity to go to Florida International University (FIU) to participate in an annual National Foundation...
The Academy of Finance (AOF) works alongside the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), in which students are taught the principles of entrepreneurship. Every year, NFTE holds a national competition...
Congratulations to junior Zack Walsh who placed third in the eMerge America's Conference on May 4. Zack created "Life Cycle", his NFTE Business Plan, in his Dual Enrollment Entrepreneurship...
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