The second anniversary of the infamous Parkland school shooting is approaching, casting a shadow over the upcoming Valentine's Day. On Feb. 14 of 2018, gunshots were reported at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas...
Escuelas alrededor de todo el país especialmente en Florida, se han esforzado en mantener a la comunidad estudiantil segura tras el incidente ocurrido a principios de febrero de este año en Marjory ...
Durante mucho tiempo, estudiantes, profesores, padres y la media, han estado asesorando al Presidente Donald Trump y al Congreso de los Estados Unidos de el peligro que acecha a los estudiantes en...
In the wake of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County, a tsunami of activism and public support for gun reform hit the state of Florida. The state legislative session,...
Are you interested in attending the March for Our Lives, on Saturday, March 24th? Do you want to stand with your friends and classmates to oppose gun violence? Do you want to do your part to make our schools...
On Feb. 14, 2018, a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida claimed the lives of 17 high school faculty and students and injured 14 more. The perpetrator, 19-year-old Nikolas...
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