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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


El Sr. Rodríguez después de un tiempo muy esperado sostiene con orgullo el primer ejemplar de su libro “Periodic East”.

El Viaje de Mr.Rodriguez: Publicando su Libro Periodic East

Maria Freire – Solis and Selena Feal Jan 31, 2023

Desde Los Ángeles hasta Carolina del Norte, el Sr. Rodríguez ha recorrido todo el país, donde encontró su fuente de inspiración para el desarrollo de su propia primera serie de ciencia ficción. Una...

Mr. Rodríguez after a long-awaited time proudly holds the first copy of his book “Periodic East”.

Mr. Rodríguez’s Journey: Publishing his Debut Book, Periodic East

Selena Feal, Staff Writer Jan 30, 2023

From Los Angeles to North Carolina, Mr. Rodríguez has been all over the country, where he found his source of inspiration for the development of his very own first science fiction series. A story about...

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Periodic East