As the impending November presidential election escalates political tension, leading candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump contend to gain public support. Former Democratic Party member Robert F. Kennedy...
For the second time since 2022, racial gerrymandering, the process where a government draws district lines to lessen the influence of racial minorities in the voting process, has been legally contested...
The first Republican primary debate of 2023 has heralded many surprises for the nearly 13 million viewers around the United States. Held on Aug. 23 in Milwaukee, Wis., the debate acted as platform to make...
Since the beginning of the year, Florida legislation regarding laws on gender identity, sexual orientation and concealed weapons has been changed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. One new bill in specific has been...
The Political Activism and Civic Engagement club recently hosted its annual PolitiCare event, which has become a popular tradition at Coral Gables Senior High. Many teachers, particularly those in the...
Charged with wire fraud, witness tampering, seditious conspiracy and corruptly trying to stop an official proceeding of Congress, former United States president Donald Trump currently faces criminal accusations...
Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021, his team has promised to deliver on many issues we have been facing. Biden promised to tackle social justice issues dealing with race and gender, issues of global...
The Democratic Party is currently in crisis mode due to Republican businessman, Glenn Youngkin, gubernatorial election win over Democratic candidate and former governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe. This...
While many believe politics should be reserved to those who have the right to vote, students at Coral Gables Senior High prove that the younger generation is making waves in society by becoming more interested...
Democrats of the House of Representatives have introduced new legislation limiting any presidential exploits in response to actions taken by former President Donald J. Trump during his time in office,...
Once deemed the all-star hero against COVID-19, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigned from office in early August after three terms of service. The resignation comes after months of sexual harassment...
As the noise from the Trump era begins to fade, a new scandal from one of Trump’s most loyal defenders, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, has recently broken headlines. The 38 year old lawyer ran to...
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